One Spirit Romans 12:3-8

David Wilsonspiritual growth

we all have spiritual giftings that are activated in our lives as we surrender to God and seek to obey his will. God assigns each person these gifts in the capacity he decides and so no two gifts are alike. which is why it is futile to compare ourselves to one another. God is in control and he gets all …

One Body 1 Corinthians 12:1-27

David Wilsonspiritual growth

over 50% of Americans admit struggling with loneliness But God has made a structure within the church called the body of Christ where we can know one another and be known, where we can heal and grow in the love of God.

One Faith (Ephesians 4:4-5; Philippians 1:27)

David Wilsonspiritual growth

Have you ever heard the phrase “that’s my truth” Its very popular now. But what does it mean? From what I understand “when some is sharing “their truth” they are referring to their view of the world, what they know because of their experiences. Well, there is a problem with using the word truth in this way. If by truth …

One Lord ( Ephesians 4:4-5)

David Wilsoncultural issues

There is a false view of Jesus that has become popular today. a view that is not supported by Jesus own words from the Bible, a Jesus that is dismissive of Holy living and more concerned about social equity and the environment. This has caused much division among professing believers in Christ and stumbled many in their faith as they …