There is a false view of Jesus that has become popular today. a view that is not supported by Jesus own words from the Bible, a Jesus that is dismissive of Holy living and more concerned about social equity and the environment. This has caused much division among professing believers in Christ and stumbled many in their faith as they …
One: A Right Kind of Unity (Ephesians 4:1-3, John 17:20-23)
I have a confession to make. I love Jesus’ church, call it what you will, New Hope, Inspire, Calvery Chapel, Hope Chapel, and many others. Jesus has one bride and she is beautiful. We have different styles of worship, teaching etc, all by God’s design. Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers but in the same gospel of Matthew, he speaks …
Ministry To Muslims by Samy Tanagho
Samy has been sharing the Gospel with Muslims for over 30 years. He speaks on God’s love towards sinners and how we can communicate the Gospel effectively to the people we meet, including Muslims. Samy’s passion is to encourage every member in the body of Christ to be active in fulfilling the Great Commission. His wife Hala often joins him …
Standing Together (The Surrendered Life series Philippians 1:27-30)
Where there is unity a lot can be accomplished. When a people have a laser-like focus and work together wars are won goals are completed and problems can be solved and this is true especially of the church. But when the church lacks unity not only does it not accomplish its mission but it loses influence in the world which …