The Mind of Christ (The surrendered life series Philippians 2:1-11)

David Wilsonspiritual growth

Thinking and acting like a Christian is not something that comes naturally or automatically because it is a supernatural work of God that requires cooperation from the believer in submitting themselves on a daily basis to God’s will. God can transform anyone and deliver them from anything. We all have a soul and a spirit and understanding the difference can …

Under Construction (The surrendered life Philippians 1:1-11)

David Wilsonspiritual growth

God has begun a work in us and has plans to complete it but somewhere along the journey of being a Christian, there is a cost to following Christ. Sure you are saved but how are you building your spiritual life? are you building upon the foundation of salvation using superior materials? ( 1Corinthians 3:11-15 ). How do we hear from …

Effective Prayer (How we grow series)

David Wilsonspiritual growth

How do we get our prayers answered? Does God even hear me? There at least 5 key things to understand about prayer and its purpose. Rather than some religious or superstitious activity prayer is an interaction with our heavenly creator. Prayer is essentially about building a relationship with God and like any relationship, there are some things that work and …

A Biblical Worldview (How we grow part 3)

David Wilsonspiritual growth

2 Peter chapter 3. An essential and often overlooked part of spiritual growth, especially in our western culture is the importance of forming a Biblical Worldview. God desires that we not only believe in him but that we stop and think how what we see hear and believe about the world we live in matches up with what the Bible …