When God Pursues us. Acts 9:1-19

David Wilsonspiritual growth

Gods arms of grace extend far beyond what we could imagine. Some people feel beyond redemption. That have have done too much to be forgiven or have gone too far. However the story of the conversion of the apostle Paul gives us much hope even for those who feel far from God.

Surrendering to the Holy Spirit Acts 8:1-19

David Wilsonspiritual growth

When Peter encountered Simon who was a sorcerer who thought that he could buy the Holy Spirit he had a few choice words for him. Church history tells us that this Simon began some false teaching which most likely had some influence on the apostles peters warnings in his letters.

The need for leaders Acts 6:1-7; 1st Tim 3:8-13

David Wilsonspiritual growth

The church today is sacrificing its prophetic power by raising up leaders based on ability and charisma but ignoring the character requirements of scripture. There is a difference between worldly and spiritual leadership. The spiritual leader enters into a spiritual battlefield and fights a war that the world does not prepare them for. Often leaders in ministry and even pastors can be …

Lying to God Acts 5:1-11

David Wilsonspiritual growth

The church of today would do well to learn a lesson from this passage. Hypocrisy is a charge that is often leveled at Christians. It is also a sin that God dealt with in the very beginning of the church. But long before we lie to God we lie to ourselves by compromising with sin a little bit at a …