Deconstructing Christianity: The rise of Critical Race theory and ‘Wokeness”

David WilsonUncategorized

Ideas have consequences and bad or dangerous ideas if left unchecked and unchallenged can have detrimental effects on society. Such was the lesson learned about communism in the 20th century that saw a great overreach by governments such as those like China, Russia, and others that severely restrict freedom of religion, free speech and led to the death of millions. …

How Jesus addressed Racism

David WilsonUncategorized

You might remember a story from being in Sunday school called the good Samaritan. It was often used to teach about being kind to others. However there was a deeper meaning than just treating everyone with kindness. We find the passage in the gospel of luke. Luke 10:25-37 English Standard Version 25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the …

Some perspective in the midst of the storm

David WilsonUncategorized

By now most of you have heard many sermons, mine included, on how God is in control and that we are not of this world and that we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. While all this is true and should be our focus it does not mean that we completely retreat from our civic responsibilities in government. We …

Unashamed: Embracing my identity

David WilsonUncategorized

Within the Christian faith there is no room for racism, bigotry or prejudice of any kind. Since the beginning the human race, which shared the same parents, have always founds ways to divide themselves from one another over familial status, tribal locations, economic standing or even how “sun kissed” their skin was. We share a certain brotherhood as every single …

The Anti-Christ Conspiracy

David WilsonUncategorized

by David Wilson Conspiracy theories used to be on the fringe of society but in the past few years with the rise of social media, they have become much more prevalent. They range from the highly unlikely, such as the existence of aliens and bigfoot, to the more probable. Conspiracy by definition is a plot by a covert group of …